You never know when it will hit, but you can just bout bet the ideas will start flowing BEFORE you finish something you’re working on. It happens to me EVERY time! lol As an example, I’m working away on my story called Semper Fi: Magnus. I’m at 45,411 and I need to work it until it is 80k. I know I’ve talked about it before because I’ve been deep into working on it. Last week I got the new Pink CD, Funhouse. This CD ROCKS and I found ONE song that I just love! It’s called Crystal Ball and wouldn’t you know, it sparked an idea. *head-desk* lol I wrote a beginning part to the story so I have some notes. Plus, I’ll have the song to listen to when I’m ready to start. You would think that would be good enough for my inspiration, but no. *sigh* That night I went to bed and had a strange dream. I just knew it would make a cool story. I can still see snippets of it so I wrote more notes on this story. But wait…that’s not all. Lol I have another story I’ve been working on. I finished it for a contest and wasn’t completely happy with it because I felt it needed more story, but I entered it anyway. I lost, but was told if I fixed a couple things and made it longer I would get a contract, so of course I have ideas running all over the place on this one!
Now what will happen is I’ll finish Magnus and get started on the one I have a contract pending on and I’ll get yet more ideas! Lol Don’t get me wrong, I love that the ideas are there and ready for me to work with I just think I need more time in the day.
How about you? What inspires you? Do you have the same problem I do?
Now what will happen is I’ll finish Magnus and get started on the one I have a contract pending on and I’ll get yet more ideas! Lol Don’t get me wrong, I love that the ideas are there and ready for me to work with I just think I need more time in the day.
How about you? What inspires you? Do you have the same problem I do?
Hi Jambrea,
Congrats to the writer's life. I carry a huge notebook and pen with me everywhere - I learned that you should keep it big so you don't cramp your thoughts - and I am constantly working on several books at once. If I don't jot it down right then and there, I miss nuances that never come back again.
What you're experiencing is a good sign that the Muse is in the house and you should prolly give her a hamburger!
Congrats on all the contracts!
I am so lucky to be inspired by just about everything. I can watch something on the History Channel and wish I had my notebook in hand. I can listen to music and find a title. I can watch people in an airport and have a thousand scenarios run through my mind.
I have more of a problem in keeping focused on what I'm supposed to be doing. LOL!
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