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Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sunday, Sunday!

Isn't it amazing how fast the days fly by lately? Or maybe it's just me. Either way, I can't believe August is right around the corner. Doesn't seem possible, does it? I am less than a week back from a trip to Washington, DC and the Romance Writers of America conference.

I had a wonderful time, despite the hot weather, the high prices for food and drink, and the bomb scare at the hotel on Saturday. The conference itself was a wealth of knowledge and information. I attended many fascinating workshops and took copious notes.

This was a great time to catch up with both old friends and new friends. I'm someone who will talk to anyone, much to my children's dismay! But if you don't, you may miss out on the perfect opportunity to meet someone who can enrich your world and possibly be a friend for life!

The Literacy Signing was held on Wed p.m. and there were over 500 authors signing their books for a very worthy cause. I was a good girl and only bought two books as the thought of shipping books home was a very sobering one, due to the cost of shipping from the hotel.

The Booksellers Best Award Ceremony for which I am the chair of for the Greater Detroit RWA chapter was held on Wednesday night. I had a wonderful time presenting to the finalists and the winners. There were so many great authors in the room I couldn't possibly name them all. And they brought their editors and agents along to join in the fun.

Editor and agent appointments were Friday and Saturday, and despite my nerves, I did well in both my appointments. For as much as I can run my mouth at chapter meetings, and at BBA, I cannot when placed in front of an editor or agent. I clam up. Scary thought if you know me! (G)

The workshops as I mentioned earlier were very good. They covered everything a beginning author would need to know, right up to a multi-published authors needs. Now it's time to apply everything I learned.

Today is my day to get back in the writing saddle. To finish the ten pages I owe my writing partner, and to work on my own works in progress.
So, to all my old friends I bid you a fond adieu iuntil next year and to my new friends, I hope you will keep in touch until we meet again!

1 comment:

Lynn Crain said...

Glad the conference went so well. I wish I could go but I can't unit next year. It will be tons of fun I know.


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