I've got a spot reserved every first Saturday of the month here at The Many Shades and normally I come up with a topic to discuss several days in advance. This time, however, be it the effect of a tiring week of work or simply a lack of ideas, I sat before my laptop and couldn't think of anything worthwhile. So, I got up and walked away, watched some TV, munched on something, answered a few cell phone messages, sent a few new ones off to friends I haven't seen in ages, and then it hit me. The topic to blog about. I'm a victim of modern technology. As old-fashioned or corny as that may sound, I admit it. What I've been making fun of and even 'tsking' others about--I'm guilty of doing as well. And, in a bigger way than I ever imagined. When I think about this, it scares me. There are people dear to me whom I haven't actually seen in the longest time--just talked to over the phone, or through phone messaging and emails. And trust me, I'm pretty social. But I've allowed myself to get sucked up into this vacuum of the tech world (which I really don't like as I'm not the tech-savviest person on Earth). And, the way I see it, although this form of communication is advanced, and enables us to contact people on the other side of the world, it also breaks down relationships--makes us antisocial, in fact.
In the past, I would call friends to arrange to meet. To talk, to see how they are doing and just enjoy eachother's company. Now, I find myself texting to see how they are. What's funny is that I'm probably one of those last people who started using this phone feature. And hardly anyone of us uses nice long sentences--no it's more like: "Hi how r u doing?" And I'm angry at myself because this really isn't like me, and I suspect it's not really like my friends either. And I suppose one could argue that we're all busier now. That we don't have the time to meet and chat. But is that the reality--or is it an excuse to justify our robotic behavior? Sure, I'm busy as hell at times, but not always.
God, I don't want to get started about msn live chats. Think about it. If you're chatting live with a buddy for a couple of hours or so on that thing, wouldn't it be more enjoyable to meet them in a nice restaurant or something? I'm guilty of this, too. Even had a glass of wine accompany my chat. That's fine and dandy when you're miles apart from the person you're talking to, but when they live fifteen minutes away...*sigh*...awful isn't it? I knew things were bad when I started texting my 72 year old father the other day to ask him if he wanted me to bring something on the way over, lol.
So as I write this, I promise myself that I will curb the use of my cell phone, laptop and other technical comforts, and make it a point to hang out with people the way I used to. To actually talk to them in a good, old-fashioned way. If you find yourself lost in the tech vacuum, this is a good reminder to chuck the gadgets in favor of a great get-together with friends or family. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this!
Celia Jade
Technology does tend to suck you in doesn't it? When AOL first came out and was the "big" thing to do I became completely addicted the first six months I could chat. My kids hated it and I didn't blame them. Now I'm fairly well controlled although I've been known to have an hours long texting conversation or two.
Erin Sinclair
"For love that's out of this world!"
Hi Erin!
Addiction is an accurate word for it. Hence, why I call this behavior robotic...
Have a great 4th of July if you're in the States!
Yes, techonology is beautiful but it does tend to be a time hog.
Hope you get more sleep...and I sympathize...I haven't had much this week myself.
Congrats on the new release!
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