Just the other day I received a wonderful surprise in my in box! A friend, Mari Carr, and I are collaborating on a story. I am having so much fun and Mari and I joke all the time that it feels like we are dating. She is writing the male character and I'm writing the female character. It is so nice to have someone to write with. We share ideas on where the story should go and banter back and forth with dialogue. I'm having such a great time I think everyone should try it! lol Now, back to why I love Valerie Tibbs. Heehee. You can stop blushing now V. lol
As most of you know V is a cover artist. She is great. The other day as a surprise to me and Mari, V made us a cover for our story. We are calling it Speed Dating for now. I wanted to share, one because it is a great cover and two because V doesn’t like to brag about her work so I’ll do it for her. Now...the only thing we have to do is get V to do covers at the place we want to sub! lol
As most of you know V is a cover artist. She is great. The other day as a surprise to me and Mari, V made us a cover for our story. We are calling it Speed Dating for now. I wanted to share, one because it is a great cover and two because V doesn’t like to brag about her work so I’ll do it for her. Now...the only thing we have to do is get V to do covers at the place we want to sub! lol
It really does sum up our story. It is so cute and fun!
Hi Jambrea,
Cute cover...hope it makes it to your publisher of choice!
I will make up my own covers when I need some inspiration. It's one of those things I do for fun when I have time.
And this one is very cute! Hope it gives you a lot of inspiration. Speed Dating is also a cute title. I didn't know what that was until I saw it in a movie once. I thought then it would make an incredibly fun story.
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