The current book I’m working on will be my fourth release in as many months. This I do not mind but since I have been selling on spec, it can make for a hard couple of months as far as writing goes. Then I found out that I hadn’t finaled in a contest I really had hope for. Sigh. Rejected again.
What is it about contests that make or break an author’s day? Don’t get me wrong. I know how lucky I am. I know I write well but sometimes you want complete strangers telling you the same thing and when they don’t, your emotions can go awry. Then when things weren’t going right on my latest book and my publisher accidentally forgot me in a promotion, I let the moment get the best of me.
Maybe I was in the wrong profession, maybe I should be doing something else. It was enough that I finally pulled out A.J. Llwellyn’s blog from last week to get the name of her guest speaker who had a wonderful article on how we cause our own self-doubts. Rhona Berens had some wonderful suggestions on what to do and what not to do. I read it with pleasure as I realized, it was just a moment in time and one bad day did not make a whole career.
Then yesterday, I get the newsletter of one of my favorite authors and I could put it all in perspective. She talked about the horrible review she had just received regarding her Wolf Tales 9. When you read it, it will make you cringe. Very little positive in that article regarding her ongoing stor. She goes on to say while she’s disappointed with the review, she thinks it’s her best Wolf Tales ever. How’s that for positive reinforcement? First, believe in yourself!
Even the great ones have bad days and I realize I’m not alone in this boat. Venting to other writers and critique partners always helps. And I have to thank from the bottom of my heart C.R., Diane, Elizabeth, Erin, Ginger, Johanna,both Rebeccas and Sherry. You all mean the world to me and I know I am very blessed to be working with each and every one of you.
Now for some wonderful and interesting news. I hope all of you have heard about Carina Press ( by now. This is Harlequin’s foray into the ePublishing world. And today I found about their leap into the self-publishing world as well with their Harlequin Horizons ( This is definitely interesting times.

Thanks everyone for participating! See you all next week!
awww Lynn first off i have to say. I love your work. And you have inspired me to pick up my pens and myunfinished peice and finally write it even if its just for my self. You do write extremely well so thank you for that. For your blogs that not only inspire me but put a smile on my face because i know someone out there has some of the same intrestes trials and tribulations i go threw and are real not fake and i just wanna let you know your apperciated as a person as well as an author
Hi Lynn,
Sorry to hear about your "downs". The way I figure it is, the books are just like your "babies" and it is always hard when they are not appreciated. Regardless, they are still your "treasures" and there are many others out there who would appreciate them.
And thanks for drawing my name! I feel so lucky! I'm looking forward to reading it.
My email is:
It must be hard to read a bad review. I think for every bad review there are hundredes of good reviews; unfortunately, you may not hear about them. Many of us fans tend to talk among ourselves about how we love the authors and their books and not tell the authors.
That is something I've started to do, lately. Since it's so easy to contact an author, nowadays; I've been sending emails to let them know how much I enjoy their works.
Tracey D
Hey Lynn,
I just want to let you know that I appreciate every blog that you put other there...I look forward to them eagerly. I'm sad to hear that you're bummed out and I can only say to you that in your own way you've been an inspiration to me in you zeal to promote not only your work but that of others.
It will get better...we are meant to experience the ups & downs of else shall we appreciate those rare special moments when everything is in perfect alignment.
Hugs 'n' Kisses
Anytime, my friend, anytime. :-D
Thanks, SiNn!
Your words are so encouraging!
Yup, in a lot of ways, they are our babies. And one of the most fun things is turning in that ugly baby into something beautiful.
Thanks for stopping by!
Well said. And it's true, I have received wonderful reviews over the years. So when I get a rejection, a mediocre review or lose at a contest, it throws me for a loop.
Thanks for stopping by!
Thanks very much. Authors don't tend to realize they do inspire people as many times we are in our own little bubble with our writing.
It's only when we pop our head out of our made up worlds do we realize just what waits for us here. And it too is wonderful.
Thanks for stopping by!
Thanks always, Erin!
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