The star on top of the Christmas tree symbolizes the ‘Star in the East’ and that has meaning for everyone of the Christian faith. But for those of you who aren’t of that persuasion, it might not mean as much to you. But personally, I think the star represents something totally different.
I believe that a star means a search, a path or a guiding light. Every one of us as writers search every day for an idea, confirmation to research, guidance within our craft, within our lives. Each of us needs and wants a guide, a helper in this quest. We are so very fortunate to find each other in a world where friendships, good friendships can be so very hard to find. A.J., C.R., Jambrea, Stephani, Erin and A.P., you all bring such joy and happiness to my life I just can’t see myself without you anymore. I am part of the ‘we’ and I am so grateful we have each other and wish only the best for you.
And to you the readers, we wouldn’t be at all. There would be no stories to tell, no one to want our novels. We adore you and while we might not say it enough, we do. You are special to us in a way that is immeasurable.
I want to wish each and every one of you the very best that this holiday season has to offer no matter what you believe. Just promise me one thing…believe in yourself…believe in your writing. You are all very special to me and I will cherish you always.
Thank you Lynn...the Star in the Tarot deck represents hope when all is most bleak. It is a powerful harbinger to look toward the future, one filled with hope, even if good outcome is not immediate. It suggests clarity of vision, spiritual insight with a guiding light to the future.
Stars are a good thing in any form! :-D
I have to agree with you. Whether it's the star you wish on, the one you see falling or the star at the top of a Christmas tree, it is something very special.
And you are so very, very welcome. It's been a good year.
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