Can love heal Death's soul?
Tresa Grauenvoll had the perfect life. Beautiful, intelligent, engaged to Jurgen Elman, lord of a vast estate, she couldn’t have wished for more. Then two weeks before her wedding, Tresa is accused of the ultimate betrayal—treason. Sentenced to die by the love of her life, she’s hanged for crimes she did not commit. As her life ebbs away, supernatural intervention transforms her from country gentry to Grim Reaper, exiles her to a foreign land and forces her to harvest souls. For centuries she has waited for the man who condemned her to cross paths with her once again so she can exact her revenge.
Immortal Ned Odognagap and his girlfriend, Katie, are witnesses for Artim and Jenna’s Halloween wedding and conversion ceremony that will change Jenna from human to immortal. It’s the perfect time of year for the events since the veil between worlds is the thinnest and those who have passed can join the festivities.Ned has one problem, though. Tresa, the woman he knew and loved when he was called Jurgen, has returned with a vengeance. Can Ned withstand Tresa’s torment long enough, without driving Katie insane in the process, to find out and explain what happened that fateful day and tell Tresa he loves her still? Or will he and Katie succumb to death’s ire?
~ excerpt ~
Tresa followed the scent to its conclusion, landing next to a grand oak tree on the property of a Protestant church. Two women, dwarfed by rounded Doric columns and massive doors and windows, stood on the front steps of the white building. Up the long sloped sidewalk from them and next to the attached ancillary building, two men, both tall and with lean muscular physique, chatted in the parking lot, their backs to her. She scanned the people and the section of graveyard visible behind the church then looked to her scythe. No blue symbols or other signs for an upcoming job presented themselves. Confused, she cocked her head and zoned in on the conversations, hoping they’d reveal the reason why she was led to the place and them.
“All I know is that Jenna’s a bit put off by your attitude the past couple of nights. She thinks you’re acting weird.” The dark-haired man turned, his Romanesque features softened by a smile, and waved at the women. They waved back. The one with brown hair and an athletic build blew a kiss. Her petite companion tilted a head with black hair and blonde spiked tips and clasped her hands together in front of her chest. A sappy look adorned her face.
“Me? Acting weird?” The second man threw his head back and laughed.
The blonde’s good-natured mirth caught Tresa off guard, reminding her of another’s laughter. The scenery’s intensity wavered. Colors dimmed for a few seconds then returned to their original brilliance. The green grass of the graveyard, the black of the pavement, and white church contrasted against the blue sky. She searched her mind for a face to put with the remembered joy but the recollection faded before she could retrieve it.
“Yes, you, Ned. You’ve seemed skittish and preoccupied. What’s up?”
“I don’t know, Artim.” Ned shook his head and shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans. “This time I’m stumped. Maybe it’s the fall air and countryside stirring memories in me I’d rather keep buried. Maybe it’s that I have this need to hone in on someone and judge them, but I’m blocked. I try to access people’s thoughts and can’t. It’s strange not being able to do my job, something that’s come second nature to me for centuries.” He chuckled. “Maybe it’s all due to that awesome apple cider we had to drink at the mill the other night. I can’t get it out of my mind.”
“Can’t get what out of your mind, babe?” The dainty black-haired woman in a pair of high-heeled shoes and too short, hot-pink, form-fitting dress clicked up to him.
“Those apples and the cider.” Ned turned and hugged her, staring in the direction of the tree over her shoulder.
Tresa gasped. Can the human see me?
Check out other eXtasy Halloween Hooligans here:
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