I asked the Halloween Hooligans "What would be the scariest thing in a Haunted House for you?" and these are their answers and also a little about the treats they are offering up for everyone this Halloween.
Have an Xrated Halloween with eXtasy Books www.extasybooks.com
C.R. Moss: Eerie music, the build up of suspense…nothing happens, nothing happens, nothing happens, then BOO!
Jambrea Jones: Things jumping out at me. You know that scene from Psycho in the shower? I have a fear of someone ripping open the shower curtain on me. My husband will do that to me and even if I KNOW he is in the room, I jump and my heart stops for a second. lol
Laura Tolomei: Seeing my husband naked.
Courtney Breazile: Clowns. Hate clowns.
Angela Caperton: Hmm...Freaked out clowns. I can handle the chainsaw killers, the ghouls and zombies, but scary clowns...no. I am not a fan of regular clowns, so scary ones I'll pass on!
Check out our trailer at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0l13ROXuzw
All our Halloween books will be available to purchase at www.extasybooks.com
Courtney Breazile- http://www.courtneybreazile.com Reincarnated Death Wish -Out Now- “To Experience Passion is to Choose Death”
Jambrea Jones- http://www.jambrea.com Unseen Path -Oct 31st- “The Road Not Traveled Reveals a Destiny Unfulfilled”
Angela Caperton - http://www.angelacaperton.com Green Flash -Oct 31st- “During the Halloween Bacchanal Fantasy Fest Will Claire Embrace her Own Desires and Learn the True Nature of the Green Flash?”
C.R. Moss - http://home.earthlink.net/%7Ecr_moss// In the Spirit -Out Now- “Can Love Heal Death’s Soul?”
Laura Tolomei - http://www.lallagatta.com/eng/index.html Bloody Passion -Oct. 31st- "The Druid, the Hunter, the Apprentice: Sex, Power, Transformation. What Else?"
Watch our sites for upcoming Xrated Halloween fun and prizes.
scariest thing in a haunted house? a mirror.
Congrats on all your releases!
Scariest thing to me...losing your mind.
Erin Sinclair
"For love that's out of this world!"
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