CJ: Max, thank you for giving me this wonderful opportunity to share a little bit of you with readers.
MJ: It's my pleasure, Celia.
CJ: Tell me about your life in the exciting city of Manhattan.
MJ: Well, I own a few successful restaurants which demand my attention and keep me busy. It's a revolving door of interesting challenges and all kinds of people. I'm pretty tight with my family and friends and I attend several cultural events each year.
CJ: Surely, a man with your looks must have a full dating calendar, lol.
MJ: Lately, I only make time for one woman.
CJ: Would that be Ellen Sanders?
MJ: Of course. Although, I'm afraid I've scared her off a bit.
CJ: How so?
MJ: Ellen has been hurt in the past. She shuns marriage and any serious relationships to avoid heartache. Thing is, she knows I'm looking for a wife. I don't want an affair. We share an incredible connection and I couldn't fathom not spending the rest of my life with her.
CJ: Are you planning on changing her mind?
MJ: I'm determined to change her mind. She's pretty adamant--even turned me down once--but she's left an opening.
CJ: Really?
MJ: Yes. She told me she's open to casual dating.
CJ: But that goes against the grain for you.
MJ: It does, but it's the only chance I have of proving that I'm the man for her. Show her that we belong together. I don't want to lose her.
CJ: So, you're going to propose an affair.
MJ: Exactly. The physical chemistry is off the walls. I doubt she'll be able to resist.
CJ: You sound sure of yourself. Aren't you risking getting hurt--I mean--what if she ends the affair for fear of getting attached?
MJ: It's a risk I'm willing to take. As you know, I can be pretty determined and convincing. Ellen belongs with me...she just doesn't know it yet.
CJ: Well, I praise your determination and courage, Max. It takes a strong man to pursue a woman like Ellen with all his heart. I do hope it works out for you both.
MJ: It will. I've never wanted anything more in my life.
CJ: I was planning on asking you what you'd like for Christmas, but I have a feeling I know, lol. Thank you for your time, my dearest Max.
To find out how Max fares with the lovely and reluctant Ellen, follow the link here.
I love these character interviews! It is so much fun! WTG Max - go get your woman!
Hi Tamsyn...aren't the interviews great? I had such fun talking with my own character.
I want to do more of these soon.
Glad you enjoyed!
intriguing interview! thanks for sharing it
Nice interview. I'm always interested in hearing what the hero has to say.
I enjoyed the interview. This book is my wishlist.
Tracey D
Thanks for the comments guys! Booklover: I hope you enjoy the book!
Thanks for the comments guys! Tracey: I hope you enjoy the book!
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