Okay, okay...I know you’re anxious about hearing who the winning is of the basket. Well, the winner was picked this morning and I am...going to wait until the end of the blog to post...sorry. But we author’s like to create a little suspense when we write. LOL! Sorry.
This week has been an incredibly productive week. And not in the terms of writing per se BUT in terms of promotion and just getting things done in general. Then there’s the fact that I’m doing a lot and I mean a lot of promotion. I’m at Novelspotters blog all week talking about how I started writing and how I got to where I am today with my writing. I was on another loop yesterday, I have another blog coming up on Friday and then I’m starting Sexy Saturdays this Saturday on my own blog...so...I’ve been a busy gal.
Add to that a new wonderful in person critique group and I feel like I’m on top of the world. How could it get any better? Well...I guess a million copies sold would be better...LOL! But really, this is a pretty good place for a small press author to be...it makes me happy!
Now promotion is an important aspect in anyone’s writing career and it’s not a bad thing to occasionally get retrospective about the journey. The path is different for each of us and it seems like it took me longer than most. Which is probably not true but that’s my perception.
And perception is a lot in life. Everyone has one and in reality, the only one that counts most of the time is your own. Still, I have to remember I’m a writer and I look at things many times through the eyes of my characters. They had a totally different perception of life. Especially if they are from a distant planet or just another continent. Part of my job is getting those perceptions right for every character I create as well as their foibles.
The creative process is so cool. Women who have had children know exactly what I’m talking about...we’ve created children...and writing is much the same. And someday, just like kids, you have to let that baby go and see them soar. Or flop...LOL...that happens occasionally too!
This month, I will celebrate the seventeenth such journey. Yeah...book seventeen is on its way September 15. Hence the cover...which I totally love...I saw the cover before I got my edits done and I was in heaven. It was so much of what I envisioned...so...sci-fi. Martine does such a lovely job on them and I am forever grateful that she actually takes into account my comments on what I really want. That is so cool when you think that many of my other publishers don’t.
And part of my mission today is to express my thanks to each and every one of you. I consider all of you my friends whether you are writing partners, editors, critique partners or readers, YOU are important to me. I can’t replace any of you and I am so grateful to have each of you visit me from time to time and be in my life.
Which brings up the question of the week...who are you grateful for on your writing journey? Or in life if you’re not a writer?
Now...for the moment you’ve all been waiting on...drum roll please! The winner of the summer giveaway is...SiNn...come on down!!!! Congrats! And please email me privately at lynncrain@cox.net so I can get your particulars.
The next contests will be a series of giveaways! I am going to give away a FREE copy of each of my elf books for the next few weeks. We will work backwards and start with Giselle’s Elf...so just comment this week and you’re in the drawing. If you have the particular book of the week, we’ll substitute something else! So enter anyway!
Also, if you all want to get a Christmas present from me, yes I really do give out Christmas presents, you’ll need to get me your snail mail addy soon! I usually send things out in October, so I’m building my list now.
Talk to you all soon! And thanks for being a great bunch!
i'm grateful for so many people. I'm not a writer by trade, I'm more of a reader. lol But i'm so grateful for all my friends new and old. i'm grateful for my kids wild as they may be. But most of all I'm grateful for my husband who puts up with it all.
Me too! I think that's why I became a writer...I had run out of good books to read! LOL!
Well, I'm grateful for people like you. Don't forget to send me your name for the Christmas Giveaway!
Thanks for stopping by!
I think it is so amazing how writers can put things together and make a book that holds so many people's interest. I am a reader and love my books..can never have too many books in my life. Being retired allows me more time too and I love that idea. I also think you are so nice and considerate to think of your fans at christmas time. I have a reader's group and I am going to push for them to check out your books . I am the only one who has a computer so I guess I am the one who finds books and authors for the group. It started with 5 of us and now have 7. I am the onebrave enough to get into cyberspace. ha A new fan of yours. susan L.
I'm not a writer, I'm grateful to my husband, without his having been by my side and quick action and thinking, while I was in having surgery's or recovery's, he actually saved my life literally twice. And he puts up with me, and has for 11 years!
You are sooo sweet! I love giving things at Christmas! And who better to give it to than my writers.
You're in the drawing this week for my latest elf book, Giselle's Elf. Good Luck!
And I love to put things down on paper and weave my stories. To it's fun but to others, not so.
Glad you stopped by...see you again soon!
That is sooo cool...aren't some husbands just fantastic? I got lucky too! My Scotsman is just the greatest guy!
And everyone should be grateful no matter who they are!
Thanks for stopping by!
I'm grateful to still have both of my parents and my kids of course They make life worth living.
I'm grateful for my four adult children and my hubby. We've been married for 34 years. He's my rock! And our kids keep things interesting - never a dull moment! :)
I'm thankful for the good life I had growing up with both parents, a sister, and two brothers, and that they are all still in my life. I'm thankful for my son and husband, and all my friends throughout my life who've been there for me.
Congratulation to the winner!
I am grateful for having a lot of time to read and share my reading experience with friends. So many books and I have added the elf ones to my TBR list
the writers some times give my life meaning
I know what you mean about kids and family. We have my father and my husband's parents as well as our two kids.
And we're about to become grandparents next April. It will be so fun!
Thanks for stopping by.
Family is great! I always wanted four kids but we stopped at two. The boys were a handful. And the younger one still is...LOL! Can't wait till he graduates high school this year.
And we're about to be grandparents next April.
Yeah, life is good!
Thanks for stopping by!
That's so awesome everyone is still close to you! Sometimes that doesn't happen with families. I love watching the different dynamic my husband has with his brothers as opposed to me and my one. It's a lot different.
Friends are important too!
Glad to have you stop by!
Thanks for stopping by...alway good to see you!
I'm just grateful to have readers like you. You make my day!
Thanks for stopping by!
I'm glad you're there for us...and happy to help in any way I can.
Thanks for stopping by!
Congrats SiNn.
Lynn, I just have to say that I can't believe that you are just so nice to your readers. No other author that I know of does so much.
You are just the best.
You are just too kind. I love talking to my readers and many other authors I know do as well. I will admit, some don't, but a lot do.
I am so happy you dropped by today and hope to see you again soon!
Thanks, Lynn. I do feel blessed. Oddly, as I've gotten older, I seem to attract people who don't have that family closeness (even my DH). Or maybe there are just more broken families now. Or rather, multi-family units.
And thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to respond to each and every one of us!! (You don't have to respond to this one. Just wanted to say thanks)
And congrats to SiNn
Hi Lynn,
I'm not a writer, but a very avid reader and have been since I
was in grade school. My tastes in
genre's have changed over the years, but not my love of reading.
I passsed on this love to 1 of my
2 sons. Oh well we can't have it all can we? I think I am most grateful for my 4 sisters. We have been through thick and thin an always stuck together.
I wish I had some sisters. I just have a brother but I can imagine what it is like to have a female sibling.
Yeah, isn't it interesting about kids. My oldest loves books whereas the younger one can leave them...but he is starting to get into graphic novels...and since he's 17 I am just happy he's reading at all. LOL!
Thanks for stopping by! Hope to see you next week!
Lynn your an absolute doll I love your work and your so genuine when comes to people and thats rare in this day in age Thank you for drawing my name deff made my whole week was fun to read all ur blogs i follow them alot now so thank you again my mom even reads your work now so yeah your a huge insperation keep up the good work and id love to get in on ya christmas present give awya if i could
You are so very welcome! I am grateful for you and everyone here coming to see me every week. Without you, there wouldn't be a me!
Thanks again and congrats!
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