As I move along in my career, I find it is just as important to give back to my group of fellow writers and our readers. One of the ways I am doing this is to offer more promotional options for authors and reader giveaways all of which are free. It costs nothing to do any of these but you must schedule them with me to be included in the author portion. For the readers, you just need to show up.
First up is Sexy Saturdays. On September 1, 2009, Sexy Saturdays began on my yahoogroup, XtraOrdinary Romance (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/XtraOrdinaryRomance). Everyone is invited to promote their books every Saturday all day long. I’ll be popping in and out during the day to see how it’s going occasionally or to add my own promo.
Rules for posting are simple and will be sent to you the moment you join. Please let me know if you are a reader or an author or both as the welcome messages are different. If you already belong to my group, then please look under the file section and you’ll see a file there explaining the guidelines for posting and the rules for giveaways. The only items I will mention here are these: I don’t allow drive-bys by anyone and I would appreciate contributions from the authors to the weekly giveaway which start next Wednesday. The more contributions we have from authors, the more readers we can expect to see.
Every Wednesday, I plan to hold a weekly giveaway of all the things authors have donated for the week. It’s not a requirement to give a donation but remember it is a great way to get your name out there and show the readers how much you care. A PDF copy of one of your eBooks will suffice just fine as I don’t really expect anything more. It could also be a free read you have put together. As long as it looks professional and is something you’re proud of, I will put it in. And thank you in advance for your generosity. Readers need to know we care about them in these rough economic times.
On Thursdays, starting October 1st, I am doing author interviews on my personal blog at www.lynncrain.blogspot.com. These aren’t to take the place of my weekly spot here at all but meant to enhance an author’s exposure. Blogs, because they change frequently, tend to come up in search engines more and the biggest reason I contribute to more than one. This opportunity I have named 2 For Thursdays. Each and every Thursday, I will interview not one but two authors. Each interview will take center stage on the blog twelve hours and have their two latest covers posted for the week as well. I have a set of questions you’ll need to answer for me. Again, these need to be scheduled. At this point, I am filling the spots by invitation only BUT if you want to get on the list, email me now because I will start down that list as soon as possible.
Now for readers, as noted above every Wednesday, we will be giving away ebooks and maybe more to a few lucky winners. These are random drawings and the occasional question and answer. You do need to be present to win. Also, every Saturday and occasionally during the week, we will be doing a quickie. You heard me right, a quickie. It will announced as such. These are random and will usually involve the giveaway of something from the basket or an ebook of my own.
You can subscribe here XtraOrdinaryRomance-subscribe@yahoogroups.com. Again, my personal blog is at www.lynncrain.blogspot.com.
Thanks and hope to see you all there! I look forward to it!
Now, the moment you have all been waiting for...the winner of last week’s giveaway is quiltingreader! Come on down and get your free copy of An Elf’s Magic!
Hope to see you all here next week when we talk more about promotion and I give another book away!
Until then...
I'd love to do an interview with you! I'd like to promote at XtraOrdinary Romance as well!
Hi Lynn
All of your books rock. Even though I cannot win, I wanted to show you my support.
You're on! I'll email you the interview questions and you can email me two covers.
Also, I'll send you the subscribe link so you can get on right away. I want the group to be even bigger and fun for us all!
Thanks for stopping by!
Who says you can't win, Bo?
I enter everyone regardless. Giveaways are giveaways and as long as you stop by and comment, you're in the running!
Thanks for stopping by!
Um - I say so Lynn since I am VP of the company that promotes for you lol.
It is better this way. Although I am envious of those who do get a copy of your books :D
Hi Lynn, I will be so glad to say hello and hope you have a great day here. You are welcome to visit me in the country here and even let you feed the wild ducks. They sure are spoiled ones.I had alot of fun today talking to you in all the diferent blogs and groups. susan L.
I don't think I said I have a reader's group..started as 5 and we are now up to 7. I am the one with a computer so do the finger work of finding authors and books to talk about. I have a long list of names and your name is on the list too as I know all the ladies will love your style too. susan L.
Thanks for your lovely comments about me and my writing. I am so excited to have you as a new reader!
I hope you join XtraOrdinary Romance as well as we do a lot of cool things there.
I appreciate you stopping by and you'll be entered into the contest for a free ebook.
Stop by again...I'm here every Wednesday!
Lynn i love your work! and can say your awesome i love how you give back to ur readers that in its self is well awesome and an added bonus to awesome works
Thanks, SiNn! I always enjoy having you here!
Hi again Lynn! It's been fun visiting you at other places! I'm thinking about joining.Weds are fine but Sats are when the KING(HEE! HEE!)is Home. and don't know if I'll be able to blog speaking of my hubby he's home now. I'm going to check out your website when I can,sure glad I found ya! your books sound like my kind a books to read!! I'm a reader
Thanks conb00 for stopping by!
And don't worry, get here when you can...you're entered into the weekly drawing...hope you're good with that!
you are the promo queen!
You honor me greatly! LOL!
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